Finding Balance Together
Supporting Our Kids (and Ourselves) Through Election Season
With the heightened intensity of this election season, we're offering tips, goals, and shared hopes to help families and our school community navigate Election Day and the days ahead with balance and resilience.
Finding Their Voice
Individualized learning in writer's workshop
Discover how WHPS transforms writing into a personalized journey, tailoring instruction to each student’s needs and empowering them to refine their unique voices while mastering skills that inspire, inform, and captivate.
From Interest to Skills
Understanding Personalized Learning in Preschool
Discover how our preschool combines personalized learning with joyful exploration to nurture confidence, independence, and a lifelong love of learning!
A Closer Look
How Does Differentiated Instruction Work?
Some of the most important aspects of our school aren’t the curriculum itself but the tools and strategies we use for teaching and learning. Discover four of the most effective ways we create a personalized and transformative learning experience for every child.
Harnessing Hidden Strengths
A Strengths-Based Approach at Our School
At WHPS, our strengths-based approach helps each student thrive by nurturing their unique talents. Learn how we empower students to transform challenges into growth opportunities.
The #1 Skill in Lifelong Learners
Research indicates that fostering the ability to reflect is the top skill we can develop in children to nurture their lifelong learning.
Raising Future-Ready Kids
In the digital age, children’s mental health and development face new challenges, from excessive screen time to less hands-on play. This guide shares insights on fostering independence and resilience, with practical tips for families to balance tech use and nurture essential life skills.
Engaging Young Minds the Right Way
The last time you wanted to learn something new, what did you do? Did it involve filling out worksheets? Probably not—and the same is true for our students. We aim to nurture children's curiosity and foster a deep, lasting love of learning.
Balancing Brilliance
Small adjustments to our language and approach can profoundly influence our children's mindset and future success.