WHPS has been fully accredited since 1996 and has continually maintained the highest level of accreditation available.
During each accreditation renewal, The Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) takes an extensive look at faculty, staff, administration, board of trustees, philosophy, governance, finances, fundraising, curriculum, students, parent community, facilities, health, and safety. During the most recent accreditation renewal, the visiting committee prepared a truly exemplary accreditation report and awarded WHPS the highest accreditation period of six years.
In the most recent accreditation visit, the visiting committee highlighted the following strengths of the program:
Community & Diversity
Strong, supportive school community.
The clear mission that keeps student uniqueness at the forefront.
Student diversity exceeds neighborhood diversity, a focus is put on social-emotional development, and parents are increasingly positive about the school program and opportunities for their involvement.
The school demonstrates caring, concern, and high expectations for students in an environment that honors individual and cultural differences.
WHPS embodies a safe, healthy, nurturing atmosphere. The school has instilled in students a sense of value for differences through social-emotional connections between community members.
The visiting committee interviewed students who genuinely articulated respect for others with differences. They also clearly stated that they felt school was a place where they could be themselves and feel safe.
The visiting committee commends WHPS on the strength of their community and sense of self-identity. Moreover, they support the social-emotional development of students through various programs, including Responsive Classroom, and have developed a student body that knows how to advocate for others and their own personal learning and social-emotional needs.
Extensive parent engagement and education opportunities, including strong parent associations.
Strong connections with families with ample opportunities for families to learn about and engage with the curriculum and philosophy of the school.
Teaching & Learning
WHPS seems to constantly analyze what is best for its students. From teacher discussions, they have a culture of encouraging innovative practice.
High collegiality amongst all members of the community has built a strong sense of trust between all.
The highly qualified administrative, teaching, and support staff are clearly committed to student achievement in all areas.
Differentiation of instruction is a primary goal at WHPS and is accomplished through extensive formative assessment. Students are grouped in homerooms by maturity level and/or learning needs and also in small ability groups.
Parents expressed that teachers are very aware of the needs of every child and make appropriate modifications to instruction, assessment, and behavior management.
Passionate academic leaders leading curricular change.
Facilities and learning spaces are well-maintained and secure and support the school’s mission of an individualized approach allowing students to connect with natural spaces and support their development.
The on-site Science & Nature Center (teaching zoo) is a really special highlight.
Many support resources are provided at the school including a variety of extracurricular and enrichment programs.
Graduate Preparedness
The school prepares children for success in matriculation to middle school. Alumni families affirmed students were prepared and flourished at the next level.
Leadership Notebooks give students the opportunity to set their own goals and track their progress. They also provide a showcase for work done and a vehicle to share their progress with parents during Student-Led Conferences.
Strong emphasis on leadership development and public speaking opportunities for students.
Over 90% acceptance rate to first-choice middle schools, over 97% to first or second-choice schools.
2020-2026 State of the School
Our 2020-2026 accreditation renewal took place Mach 11-13, 2020. As the visiting committee completed the process, schools spent the subsequent weekend preparing to transition to distance learning for the first time ever.
During the March 2020 accreditation visit, we held our 2020-2026 State of the School meeting to share information with families about where we have been and where we are going. A re-recording is available on our YouTube channel.