Affinity Spaces

We are proud to offer affinity groups that honor and uplift the diverse experiences of our students, families, and staff. These spaces are all about building strong communities, sharing valuable resources, and ensuring every family feels a deep sense of belonging.

Families can explore our affinity spaces by participating in events held throughout the year or contacting the group leaders (below). We warmly welcome involvement from current families, alumni, and newcomers alike. If you’re interested in getting involved or want to learn more, use the “Contact Group” feature below. As our community grows, so do our affinity spaces, and we’re excited to support new spaces that further enrich our school's inclusive spirit.


    Black Enrichment & Resources for Students

    Current & Upcoming Events

    The WHPS BEARS family group is dedicated to supporting Black/African American families and those raising Black/African American children within our school community. Our goal is to create a nurturing environment where Black families can connect, engage, and thrive together.

    The BEARS group offers regular gatherings, discussion forums, and events to build community and a sense of belonging within and beyond WHPS.

    By connecting with like-minded families and participating in enriching activities, BEARS strengthens ties within the WHPS community and empowers Black families to share their voices and perspectives.

  • Neurodiversity Family Group

    Learn More

    We proudly offer a unique resource—the WHPS Neurodiversity Affinity Group (NAG). This group focuses on supporting children who think or learn differently, celebrating their unique strengths, and fostering an inclusive environment where diverse ways of thinking are not only recognized but viewed as a powerful asset.

    The NAG celebrates all forms of neurodiversity, whether a child's learning or personality profile includes giftedness, ASD, 2e, ADHD, dyslexia, anxiety disorders, Down syndrome, Tourette Syndrome, OCD, dyscalculia, dyspraxia, epilepsy, chronic mental health conditions, language disorders, or any other reason, the NAG is here to support and celebrate every form of neurodiversity.

    The NAG is not just a resource; it's a catalyst for empowerment. It offers a wealth of information, shared experiences, and insights from professionals dedicated to neurodiversity. By connecting families, educators, and the wider community, we strive to build a supportive network that empowers all individuals to thrive.

  • Private School Village (PSV)

    Meet other WHPS families at the September 8 Picnic & Community Fair (learn more)

    PSV is a unique community created by Black families for Black families. PSV brings together families and students across Los Angeles independent schools to share resources, centralize offerings, and build a strong community. PSV supports the following areas:

    Cultural Enrichment: PSV offers social pods and programs to build cultural pride and leadership.

    Racial Literacy: PSV provides professional development to enhance inclusivity and understanding.

    Affinity Spaces: PSV supports creating meaningful spaces for Black, Brown, and Latinx/Hispanic families.

    Family Empowerment: PSV's parent ambassador program keeps our school informed about events and supports internal affinity groups.

    Scholarship Opportunities: PSV offers scholarships to help Black families afford independent school education.