A Fresh Look at WHPS Singapore Math
An expert staff developer comes to teach parents about Singapore Math. What’s so different about the methodology, and how does it support critical thinking?
A Different Take on Empathy
Children younger than four are typically unable to understand perspectives separate from their own, and the majority will not pass a simple false-belief task, which is designed to test how well a child can reason about other people’s thinking.
Perfecting Preschool Drop Off
Expert advice to make drop off easier on your child (and on you).
Problem Solving & Why it Matters So Much
Why is it important to let children become independent problem-solvers?
Anti-Bias Education in Early Childhood
What does it mean to teach activism to young children?
The NEGATIVE Impact of Too Much Too Soon
The research is clear, play is important no matter how smart or advanced a child is.
No Quid Pro Quo (Kids)!
Want to raise a child who becomes an adult who does the right thing because it’s the right thing to do (instead of because of what’s in it for them), then check this out.