Stewardship Delegation

Creating Win-Win Agreements With Our Kids

Trust can be a very powerful motivator and a valuable tool when setting expectations for responsibilities and chores with children. Investing some extra time in the beginning can take the stress out of what happens later.

Top 5 Factors to Consider

  1. Desired Results: Clearly outline the task's objectives with your child—what needs to be done and by when. Focus on the "what" rather than the "how," allowing them the space to approach tasks in their own way. This approach not only demonstrates trust in their judgment but also empowers them with responsibility.

  2. Guidelines: Establish parameters within which the task should be accomplished and the expectation for what constitutes quality completion. Define any off-limits actions to avoid disappointment later.

  3. Resources: Identify available resources to support your child in completing the task. By emphasizing support, you convey that you are both part of the same team.

  4. Accountability: Consider providing modeling and guidance during the initial session to help them understand the expectations. Ensure evaluations occur at agreed-upon times, maintaining trust by not randomly checking in on their progress.

  5. Consequences: Communicate positive outcomes for successful task completion, such as pocket money or a treat. Similarly, discuss gentle consequences for not following through, avoiding harsh punishments. Support your child in case of failure with additional supervision or training sessions to guide them toward meeting the agreement.